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Pourquoi appelle-t-on le sud de la France, le midi ? Et d’ailleurs, c’est quoi le sud de la France ? Pourquoi dit-on « Chacun voit midi à sa porte » ? Ne cherchez plus midi à quatorze heures – Avec Miguel Espada

La langue française, dès cette époque, commençait a être choisie par les peuples comme intermédiaire entre l’excès de consonnes du nord et l’excès de voyelles du midi.

Victor Hugo

Le sud de la France est appelé « Le midi », parce que le soleil indique le sud à midi.

La limite la plus utilisée pour délimiter la France du Nord au Sud a toujours été la ligne Lyon-Bordeaux à l’échelle française. Cependant à l’échelle globale, il correspond au 45e parallèle passant au niveau de Tain-l’Hermitage. Celui qui délimite la France du Nord au Sud.

Le terme « Sud » est emprunté à l’ancien anglais « suth » (XIe-XIIe siècles), lui-même. Il est déformé du saxon « Sund », désignant le Soleil. En ancien français, le sud avait pour équivalent le terme de midi. Il désignait le moment où le Soleil était à son apogée. Depuis tout point d’observation situé au nord du tropique du Cancer.

 « Chacun voit midi à sa porte », car les cadrans solaires remontent à l’époque de l’Antiquité. Il faut reconnaître qu’ils n’étaient pas d’une grande précision. L’heure indiquée changeait d’ailleurs souvent d’un foyer à un autre. Ainsi, il était possible qu’un cadran indiquait midi pile, alors qu’un autre indiquait midi passé : voilà l’origine de l’expression.

Marseillan est une ville, parmi d’autres, du sud de la France. Elle est située dans le département de l’Hérault, à 1h de Montpellier et 40 minutes de Béziers. Ce village de pêcheur concentré autour de son vieux port, offre une qualité de vie optimale. C’est ici, dans ce petit cocon préservé de l’Occitanie, que le complexe immobilier de Port-Marseillan s’est lové. Villa premium et front de mer face à l’étang de Thau sortent de terre. Des appartements luxueux aussi, un hôtel et même un centre commercial. Miguel Espada, fondateur de Propriétés & Co, est le principal investisseur. Afin que chacun puisse justement voir midi à sa porte, il a imaginé plusieurs types de logements. Une large gamme pouvant satisfaire bon nombre d’investisseurs et de futurs acquéreurs.

Why is the south of France called the midi ?
And for that matter, what is the south of France ?
Why do people say « Chacun voit midi à sa porte » ?

From this time onwards, the French language began to be chosen by people as an intermediary between the excess of consonants in the north and the excess of vowels in the south.

Victor Hugo

The south of France is called « Le Midi », because the sun points south at midday.
The boundary most commonly used to delimit France from north to south has always been the Lyon-Bordeaux line on a French scale. However, on a global scale, it corresponds to the 45th parallel passing through Tain-l’Hermitage, the line that delimits France from North to South.

The term « Sud » is borrowed from the Old English word « suth » (11th-12th centuries), itself deformed from the Saxon word « Sund », meaning the Sun. In Old French, ‘sud’ was equivalent to ‘midi’, meaning midday, when the Sun was at its height (from any vantage point north of the Tropic of Cancer).

« Everyone has to see noon for themselves », as sundials date back to ancient times. Admittedly, they were not very accurate. What’s more, the time shown often changed from one home to another. For example, it was possible for one dial to indicate high noon, while another indicated past noon: this is the origin of the expression.

Marseillan is one of several towns in the south of France. It is located in the Hérault department, 1 hour from Montpellier and 40 minutes from Béziers. This fishing village, concentrated around its old port, offers the very best quality of life. It’s here, in this unspoilt little cocoon of the Occitanie region, that the Port-Marseillan development is nestled. Premium villas and a seafront overlooking the Etang de Thau, luxury flats, a hotel and even a shopping centre are all being built here. Miguel Espada, founder of Propriétés & Co, is the main investor. He has designed a wide range of different types of accommodation to suit a wide range of investors and future buyers.

Stop looking for noon at two o’clock !

Why do we call the south of France « le midi »?
And for that matter, what is the south of France?
Why do we say « Chacun voit midi à sa porte »?

By this time, the French language was beginning to be chosen by people as an intermediary between the excess of consonants in the north and the excess of vowels in the south.

Victor Hugo

The south of France is called « Le Midi », because the sun points south at midday.

The boundary most commonly used to delimit France from north to south has always been the Lyon-Bordeaux line on a French scale. However, on a global scale, it corresponds to the 45th parallel passing through Tain-l’Hermitage, the line that delimits France from north to south.

The line most commonly used to delimit France from North to South has always been the Lyon-Bordeaux line on a French scale. However, on a global scale, it corresponds to the 45th parallel passing through Tain-l’Hermitage, the line that delimits France from North to South.

The term « Sud » is borrowed from the Old English « suth » (11th-12th centuries), itself a distortion of the Saxon « Sund », meaning the Sun. In Old French, « sud » was equivalent to « midi », designating the moment when the Sun was at its peak (from any observation point north of the Tropic of Cancer).

« Everyone sees noon at his own door », as sundials date back to ancient times. Admittedly, they weren’t very accurate. In fact, the time often changed from one home to another. For example, one sundial might indicate high noon, while another showed past noon: hence the origin of the expression.

Marseillan is one of many towns in the south of France. It is located in the Hérault department, 1 hour from Montpellier and 40 minutes from Béziers. This fishing village, concentrated around its old port, offers a high quality of life. It’s here, in this small, unspoilt cocoon of Occitanie, that the Port-Marseillan real estate complex is nestled. Premium villas and waterfront facing the Etang de Thau, luxury apartments, a hotel and even a shopping mall are currently being built. Miguel Espada, founder of Propriétés & Co, is the main investor. He has designed a wide range of housing types to satisfy the needs of investors and future buyers alike.